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SECT FUEL AND EXF CONTENTS O Model H Carburetor 500 700 and 900 Series Corvair 95 and Greenbriar 1200 Series Fuel Pump All Series Air Cleaner Corvair 500 700 and 900 Series except 535 and 73E Corvair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series and Corvair Fuel Tank Corvair 500 700 and 900 Series l Corvair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series Exhaust System t Corvair 500 700 and 900 Series Corvair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series MODEL 11H CARBURETOR 900 n Page General Description 9 1 Maintenance and Adjustments 9 2 Inlet Fuel Filter 9 2 Accelerator Pedal 9 2 Accelerator Control Linkage Adjustments 9 3 Carburetor Synchronization 9 4 Initial Adjustments 9 4 Fast Idle 9 5 Preliminary Curb Idle Speed and Mixture Adjustment 9 5 Carburetor Balance Vacuum Check 9 5 Choke Adjustment 9 8 GENERAL I The Corvair engine uses two identical Rochester Model H manual choke single barrel downdraft carburetors figs 9 1 and 9 2 one located on each intake manifold Each carburetor is separated from the engine manifold by an insulator block Each carburetor is equipped with a manual choke controlled ION 9 IAUST SYSTEMS F THIS SECTION Page 9 1 9 15 9 17 Models 9 21 3tation Wagon Models 535 and 735 9 22 9 23 9 25 9 27 9 28 CORYAIR 500 0 AND SERIES IDEX Page Pump Rod Adjustment 9 8 Service Operations 9 8 Removal from Engine 9 8 Disassembly 9 8 Cleaning and Inspection 9 9 Assembly 9 12 Installation on Engine 9 13 Trouble Chart 9 14 Specifications 9 28 Special Tools 9 28 JESCRIPTION by a choke cable pull knob located at the left of the steering column The two carburetor throttle shaft levers are connected by a cross shaft which is actuated by the accelerator linkage fig 9 8 Careful adjustment must be made to insure that the carburetors are properly