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Camaro Assembly Manual April 1968 |

i GH1 EWDL H E T ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS 3940195 1969 CAMARO 12000 SERIES fl 1s1 rmcx mn wmcx i E mn mcs E BND Track of power steering pump pulley NOTE Initial tension on all 1lB belts tc be 125 5 lbs and on all 15 62 belts to be 140 e 5 lbs CAUTION Any re tensioning ct previously installed belts required due to part replacement or repair should be 75 e 5 lbs for all 3 B belts and 95 z 5 lbs er all 1532 belts These specifications are such Chat the residual i or stabilized tension at the time the vehicle is shipped from the plant will result ln the latter iiguresi RPO N40 ONLY lnitial A LR pump belt strand tension to be 75 j 5 lbs This specification is such that the residual or stabilized tension at the time the vehicle is shipped from the plant will be approximately 60 lbs Belts aretb belehecked for coriedt tension with a Burr0Y1 h Ga e B f 33i95r wnifck RJMP AJR R MP lM47 EEFU 1P RMER FTEERINS mm xx Q A 1 K V s J W 4 w A Pump i e i i 2 1 2 Q Z Iv 1 i n O V MJ HN J A Qt fl A l cewz sian cenemrvz OENJKSHAFT GENERATOR gA g RPO N4O l i mwnaessoz cowpezascz 2 wAv 2 MMP p warae Pump S A Ja pu p 4 C i f i iq 1 5 Rivera svzae Ne pump 2 i u i l Z 2 yl Ama pump 1 I I J Y ig i n cm rqSuarr eauemnie G M 5 W 65 BZATDZ 2P0 C60 RPO 060 kiln RP0 M40 c v ctz m mwou cmu unc wr m mums mm Q BELT Roimm MANUAL rnausmssxcn Jr I Q 1 i 1 y 3 izooo L6 ENGINE i W M W L uu r JL