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Body Service Manual August 1964
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BACK CURTAIN VINYL INCLUDES EXTENSIONS BACK CURTAIN VINYL REPLACEMENT 7 Remove folding top material from rear and INCLUDES TRANSFER OF ZIPPER TO NEW VINYL IL Al qualter t1lIll4 t CkS then clrefully slide op trim forward sulficiently to expose back curtain Removal zipper l Place protective covers on all exposed panels 8 Detuch zipper tape from renr l rte trim whicll may be contacted during procedure Sllfk 2 Remove rear seat cushion and back 9 Using a pair of wire cutting shears or other suitable tool cut zipper stop along dotted line and 3 Remove folding top compartment side trim remlwve b0th halves 0i stop from zipper Fig 5150 panel assemblies and side roof rail rear weather strips then detach folding top quarter flaps from 10 Operate slide fastener off of zipper side roof rear rails 35S lblY 4 Detach top compartment bag from seat back ll Remove rear and rear quarter trim sticks panel and remove all trim stick attaching bolts with attached back curtain mid wnpaiitrvent has material from body and place on a clean protected 5 To establish the relationship of right and left surface inner vertical edge of old top lnaterial to back cur tain assembly at rear trim stick location mark 12 Using chalk or other Slllikllll material mark back curtain vinyl at both locations with a grease ends of rear and rear quarter trinl sticks on vinyl pencil Fig 5141 Reference marks should bc surface of back curtain material Fig 5143 Ref transferred to new back curtain whgn Step 4 Of in E 1 1lC marks for trim sticks should be transferred stallation procedure is performed to new back curtain material when step 4 of in stallation procedure is performed 6 Using a pencil mark both ends of rear and rear quarter trim sticks on vinyl Surfngg gf gp 13 Using chalk or sinlilar material mark zipper material Reference marks should be used as a WPG Ht DD 1 Bdsft of vi r1 Fie 5l5 guide when installing top material to trim sticks after new back curtain has been instgillegr 14 Remove back curtain assembly l1 JI ll rear and rear quarter tl im sticks 15 As a bench operation cut stitches securing Z XR half of zipper assembly to back curtain vinyl I r l NOTE Back curt vinylhand extiensions less it Q zipper are available as a service part Cltjsf SN rl K MARK ZIPPER TAPE MATERIAL x Wllll CHALK 7 yi l yl t s 4 l V W 0 tr W hi I cm zlppsz stop r g Alo 4c oonso LINE J is i 7 ust L e V ll ca t i e lh V zfi i M rr v l l l l 4 ll I V i V 2 fs ll 7 eerr 7 V rr NOTCH IN VINYL l J www wtnmwc www rrrr otrir 4 ii j AT CENTERUNE r rV J Fig 5 I 50 Back Curtain Vinyl Replacement Fig 5 I 5l M rl ing Zipper Tope