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Body Service Manual August 1964
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4F 12 REAR END is on right side of body lt is possible to insert TAIL GATE REMOTE window in tail gate reversed before it becomes CONTROL ASSEMBLY apparent that sash cI1annel cams ca nnot be installed Removal md Installation l Open tail gate Remove tail gate inner cover TAIL GATE WINDOW ADJUSTMENTS panel inner pancl water detlector and access hole COVGTS Operate window to full up and support To adjust the tail gate window forward or rear it in that position ward for proper alignment with the window upper glass run channels on the body or to eliminate a 2 Disconnect remote control to lock connecting binding condition of the window in the tail gate glass rods at remote control assembly by sliding clip run side channels loosen the glass run channel out of engagement see section B B in Fig 4Fl6 lower attaching bolts 4F12 By moving the attaching bolt adjust the run channel forward or 3 Remove remote control inside handle attach rearward as desired and tighten the attaching ing screw and remove handle see View ll in bolt 4Fl6 Pry out and remove escutcheon A D e lt Jr CL no LEVER 4 1 Remote com L 7 Q ye 4 A REMOTe nop I 4 xw L fg ESCUTCHEON 1 L i Remote ASSEMBLY SECTION M RETAINING CLIP V EW 7 sous Q1 B il 9 e s Z V 9 r L wl p R eee i X V 1 s v 2 It yy 1 I lr 1 J i n VIEWIN c1ucLeA F 714 VIEWI VIEWIII 1149 eag 4 16 Toll cme Leek Remote Control Assembly